Bad Day at Work

Matt came home from work yesterday pretty upset.
I asked what was wrong to which he replied, “oh nothing too important. Work was really stressful today but I'm happy to be home.”
I let him change his clothes before asking if he wanted to talk about it ..... and apparently he did. I opened up the flood gates and braced myself for his need to let it go.

Apparently things at work are getting a little tense. I won't go into detail what happened but I can say he handled the situation a lot better than I would have.
I asked him why he didn't stand his ground and assert himself.... his response, “I don't think it was necessarily me that (he) was mad at... He was frustrated and just needed to let it out. I was okay with being his punching bag at that moment.”

I tried to analyze the individual, and attempted to figure out what would make him fly off the handle, using my husband as a target.
None of it made sense to me and all Matt could say was, “It's okay. I'm strong enough to handle it. The upper management team must have known something happened because they came into my office later that afternoon to whisper that I'm doing a really good job and they are impressed with my work.... so, it's really okay, I promise.”

I could tell that he felt a little beat down and although he did want to yell back, he stayed true to his peaceful character. 

I took a little time out of my morning plans with Zeplin to make Matt this print to leave on his desk with a note on the back reminding him that he is of so much value to Zeplin and I, even if he doesn't feel that way at work right now.  We surprised him for lunch to give it to him. He had a beautiful, happy smile on his face when he saw us and I could tell we brightened his day.

I'm so so sooo proud of my husband. Matt is a very hardworking person and a man of strong moral integrity. How many men do you know sit down, yearly, to revamp, contemplate and pray about their personal mission and vision for their life??? I doubt very many...... Matt does. He's constantly trying to improve himself and grow from life's adversities, while staying true to himself.
I should learn from him - Don't let a bad day at work change who you really are because you are a person of immense value!

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