Arrowlyn Darline - {15mo}

↣ Meet my little princess with an new bad attitude!

Whenever I tell people that my daughter has a 'tude, no one believes me. She's usually so sweet and happy and loving but lately, she has started hitting and throwing the most amazing temper tantrums. When she is angry, she will ram her head into things or throw herself backwards.

My mom didn't believe me until she came over and saw it all for herself. Then when my mom asked Arrow for a kiss, Arrow sucker punched her in the face!
She hit me in the face the other day too. I didn't know what to do. I had an internal debate on hitting her hand. (which I did smack her hands and realized that I wasn't going to win by telling my daughter not to hit and then hit her back.) Instead I bear hugged her and let her struggle against me until she finally gave up. 
She's still throwing fits even with our attempts to remedy the situation. When we tell her to stop hitting, she hits harder, with more aggression. 
It's easy to change her attention though so we will focus on doing that instead. She also LOVES having her arms rubbed so I've started doing that too - she then does it back to me. Win-Win!

↣ This girls love for music and movies is so much more involved. She's dancing and clapping and using her high pitched voice like she's singing. We love it! I can't wait for her to start walking so she can dance even more! 

↣We had a bubble party on the trampoline on May 7th with Arrowlyn.  Arrowlyn LOVED it. I'm sure she would have loved it even more if her big brother was there too but he was in trouble in his room for lying. Matt and I took turns blowing bubbles in her direction while the other took pictures. 

↣ Her newest smile is a nose wrinkling one. We ask her to show us her teeth and this is the smile she gives us. 

↣ She's gone back to taking 2 naps/day. So a typical schedule for her is to sleep from 7pm - 9am then from 11a-12:30p then again from 3p-5p. I liked her long naps in the afternoon but keeping her up through a morning nap was rough so I decided to let her dictate her own schedule. Sometimes she still takes a single long afternoon nap - I let her dictate her schedule.

↣ 5/10 : I've been laughing about this but it wasn't funny - I was eating eggs and Arrowlyn was eating eggs when she decided she wanted MY eggs. So I switched her but that only inflicted a riot on her part. It turns out, she didn't want JUST my eggs. She wanted both mine and hers. She started to hit and throw a fit. Eventually I took both bowls of eggs away and let her finish her tantrum.

↣ Arrowlyn still won't walk on her own but she's doing better at walking with our help. She is fantastic at going up and down the stairs though. It makes us nervous when she does. I think I might buy a gate to go at the bottom of the stairs.

↣ She is so different from Zeplin at this age. Zeplin was always happy and laughing and loved to learn. Arrowlyn is stubborn, demanding and sweet, when she wants to be. She will not act like a monkey -

↣ I love that Arrowlyn loves to cuddle. She also loves to participate on soothing activities with us, like swinging.

↣Arrow is turning into quite the pesky little sister. She loves to pull her brother's hair and take his toys. Then she hides them from him. It's actually kind of funny until he throws a fit about it. He hates that she doesn't understand sharing so when he gives her something and she won't give it back.

↣Arrowlyn's hair is growing and I can finally do a cute little pony tail or piggy tails. The top of her head is so dry and flakey that I had to start using some head and shoulders shampoo. . . it works but DO NOT get it near your child's eyes! Burts Bees lotion has also helped. Her hair is still super curly and super blonde. I just love it!!!

↣ Arrowlyn loves her dollies and loves giving them hugs and loves. But after about five minutes, she's done with them. 

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