Arrowlyn Darline - {2y 2m}

🐰 Arrow is my wild child. I've been trying to come up with descriptive words for her ... I was struggling with how to encourage my daughter to be who she is without breaking her spirit. She is fiery, spirited, sassy, silly.

Matt heard a poem on Mother Goose Club and it's completely my daughter.
There once was a girl, 
who had a little curl, 
right in the middle of her forehead 
And when she was good, 
she was very very good, 
And when she was bad, she was horrid!

🐰Our family got to meet some cute new puppies at a friends house this month. They were only a couple weeks old and barely moving around. Arrow was in love. She snuggled one until eventually pushing it off her lap and onto the couch. Matt was in love with the adult dogs and of course, they were in love with him, as most animals are with my husband.

🐰Arrow had a treat of meeting Elsa from Frozen! The house across the streets runs a Capes and Crowns party business so lots of wonderful princesses make appearances occasionally. We just so happen to see Elsa one day.

🐰Arrow got a little black eye from our trip to Eastern Idaho. She fell down and hit her eye on her cousin's trampoline. It was sad but kind of cute. She is a tough chick.
🐰The biggest news of the month is Arrow got moved into a big girl bed!! We weren't planning on getting her one but we promised Adam and Ariel they could have Arrows old crib. I found this great bed online for $35 and decided it would be perfect for her. It hung out in our living room for about a week until we decided to just set it up and see how she does.
And my baby girl surprised us! She stayed in bed, slept well and woke up happy. She cried a little a few nights in because she wanted us to snuggle her but we convinced her to fall asleep on her own so we could go to bed too.

The highlight for me was when she decided she was tired one afternoon so she asked me to cuddle her. I laid next to her and watched her fall asleep. I was in heaven. I placed my hand into her tiny hand to which she gripped, like she did when she was a baby. I love that she loves to cuddle and is such an amazing sleeper. Although, her door was squeaky, until we WD40'd it, so any time I tried to leave, it woke her up.

She loves her bed. She loves playing on it, jumping on it and snuggling with her toys.

 🐰She also loves playing quietly in her room. She reminds me of myself when I was a little girl. I used to play, play, play with all my Disney character toys and let my imagination run wild. I bought Arrowlyn a Little Tykes Castle so we could give Zeplin his bat cave back. She loves Littlest Pet Shop toys and little cars for her little people to ride in. I love watching her play. 

 🐰Lately it has been easier to just bring Arrowlyn to my Physical Therapy appointments. She's been surprisingly amazing with me. She enjoys watching shows on my phone but also holds my hand and tells the Therapists stories. They all think she's so darling. I try to schedule my appointments for when Zeplin is at school so it's just us.

 🐰 Arrow is such an amazing little eater. I never have to worry about her eating all her food and eating good food. She loves veggies, salad and fruit. She eats chicken and steak.... basically anything we eat, she eats. It makes meal times easy for me.

 🐰 Arrowlyn loves going to her brothers soccer games - so she can terrorize her uncles, goof off with her daddy and play on the playground.

 🐰Arrow is so good at taking pictures. Any time my phone is out, she's saying 'cheese' - even if I'm not actually taking a picture. I truly love her smile. Speaking of though - she did chip her front tooth. I need to get her to a dentist. Her teeth are crowded and odd. Like they haven't come out all the way and her top teeth are shaped like a V. 
I've always had perfect teeth - besides my accidents killing them and forcing me to get fake ones - I've never had braces but both of my kids will probably need them. 
 🐰Even though her teeth aren't great - the laugh from them is the best. She will laugh so hard that we have to remind her to take a breath. It's the funniest and cutest laugh I've ever heard.

 🐰Arrow loves playing with chalk on the drive way. Especially when our neighbors are outside and let her use their driveway (Because we park our cars on ours instead of in the garage.) It's wide open space for her over there.

 🐰 We bought Arrowlyn a little scooter that can convert to a balance bike. She's very adventurous so I think she will love it and do well. I can't wait for many memories with her riding this thing.

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