Dessa meet Marriage. Marriage meet Dessa

 This past week has been enlightening and I have had many little reminders why I made the best decision of my life.

 "I got gaps. You got gaps. We fill each other's gaps."

Although we've only been married for a week, I feel like I'm actually married and it's not as hard as I imagined being married a second time would be. This was the way it was supposed to be all along. But I genuinely don't think it'd be this way for us had we not both been married before.
We have such a bond - when I think about it, it makes my heart flutter and eyes water.
We don't argue about each others personal views or habits. We have similar idiot moments that leave us laughing so hard we have tummy aches instead of making each other actually feel like "idiots." We can happy, sad, tired, angry, goofy and still come together each time feeling like, it's okay. We're entitled to still be who we are and have our moments BUT we still love each other.
He takes on the role of husband and allows me to take on the role of wife. Although, there is never an obligation to be anything different than ourselves. He knows his strengths and weaknesses as I know mine - with tender encouragement we want to be better for each other.

I still feel shocked sometimes that I'm actually married, I'm someone's wife - mainly because of how bitter I was after my divorce. But I'm grateful for Matt's compassion to allow me to grow into the wife and woman I've always wanted to be. Obviously, my views have changed and I'm a believer in love and marriage.

I have moments of wishing that Matt and I could have been married like this the first time and only time. But like I said before, I doubt things would be this good had we not. So maybe I owe a thank you to our ex's.....Um...Nah...Scratch that! ha!

Marriage doesn't seem that hard anymore.
In fact, it's entirely possible when you love someone and they love you back. Marriage is beautiful when it's with the right person. 

I'm still on a high from just being married. But I look forward to coming back to these moments frequently and hopefully daily as we continue to grow and develop AND understand marriage.

I really look forward to our future together.
   To be a mommy and daddy one day (not anytime soon - but we'll have plenty of practicing)
       To grow old together.

*sigh*  Can't for it!

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