Arrowlyn Darline

After almost 2 years of trying to have a second baby and having 3 miscarriages in less than 10 months, we were afraid that our chance to grow our family was dwindling. Although the desire to become a mother again was still strong, I tried to put the thought away.

Less than 7 months after the 3rd loss, and through God's own grace, we eventually got pregnant.

Understandably, because of the years of trying and the multiple miscarriages, I was afraid to lose this baby.... My Rainbow Baby......  Once we made it to 8 weeks,  I was still very scared because that was about the time I lost the others.
At 20 weeks, I took a sigh of relief.  We chose not to find out the gender again. I struggled not knowing (although we didn't find out with my son, Zeplin, either.)

We had a schedule c-section and baby A was delivered on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 11:48am. After the doctor commented on how chubby her cheeks were, he lifted her up so Matt could reveal her gender to me. A beautiful baby girl!
She weighed 8pounds 12.4ounces and was just under 20 inches long.

She's perfect and beautiful. We couldn't be happier to have her be apart of our family. We feel complete.

I never knew I wanted her as much as I do.

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