My Little Roo (Actually, BUG)

I've been trying to find the most perfect, endearing nickname for our new little bundle of joy.
One night, I was reading a book to Zeplin and we came across a kangaroo mommy with a baby in her pouch. I immediately knew my little baby was going to be called Roo for the duration of this pregnancy and I'm going to protect this little baby in my “pouch” like a momma kangaroo protects her baby. (Zeplin was my little monster... still is!)

UPDATE: (july 2015)
We have named it our little BUG because I feel like I have the stomach bug and if it's a girl then she can be our little Lady Bug. 

The days leading up to my ultrasound were long and emotional. I felt pregnant, I knew I was pregnant, but my mind struggled to stay connected with being pregnant. I laid in a tub on Tuesday and told Matt that I just need to see my little baby. (It didn't help that I was spotting & my fears were just elevated beyond belief.)

I struggled with some cramping pains when I would sit for too long. I also experienced some shooting pains across the front of my c section to each hip bone if I sneezed or coughed. I know most women would probably just say, “It's fine. Don't worry.” But I've been nothing shy of nuts..... patient, but nuts, due to my experiences last year.

Anyways, Thursday finally came and I was up with Matt to get myself ready. I drank some ginger, ate  breakfast then went up to get Zeplin ready, only to find that Matt didn't put him in night time undies and he peed the bed. I'm surprised I didn't throw up. The smell was rank and trying to peel Zeplin's soggy clothes off him so he can take a quick bath was nothing shy of nasty! Not exactly how I wanted to start my morning.

The morning obviously got a lot better as we ventured our way into DT Boise to pick up Matt for our 9 am appointment.
It was a slow wait for our Ultrasound but once we made it in, we were so very happy!

Our little Roo was healthy and on track for a delivery in February.. the 26th to be exact. Roo's heart rate was at 126 bpm. We didn't get to hear it but we could see the little teeny heart just a beatin to it's little hearts content! (Tee hee)

The next hour and a half was full of blood work, samples, and exams... everything leading us to have confidence in our baby!
Doctor Carlson, who is amazing btw, was the best listener and encouraged us to do what we need to do keep ourselves healthy & happy. Now if I could just keep food down and stop feeling so sick every single day - all. day. long!

Zeplin was a great boy and was even more excited when he finally got to see his new baby {sister}. Matt really wants a daughter so I think he's programed Zeplin to say that too. I don't mind... although, if we have a daughter, we will probably be done with children.... I don't want to risk having two daughters. lol. Just Kidding. 

I'm Zeplin Junior Clark.
I'm 2 years old.
I live in Boise Idaho
I'm going to be a Big Brother!
I want a baby sister!

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