Mommy's Lil Monster

Does 'Happy Mother's Day' apply to me even though I'm just pregnant????

I took a pregnancy test while we were on vacation for our anniversary. But before I even took it, I knew I was pregnant - I just knew. The week before Shark Week was supposed to start, I felt some weird 'tugging/pulling' feelings in my lower abdomen. It wasn't the normal cramps I get with my endometriosis because I wasn't double over in pain.
And I was starving. No joke, I could not stop eating. Almost every 2 hours, I felt like I hadn't eaten in days and my stomach would growl audibly at me too.
Then sure enough, I never started Shark Week and the cramps never got any stronger than just a gas bubble.

I changed my period calendar settings to pregnant and it gave me an estimated due date of January 5th.
Matt was beside himself. 
We both couldn't believe it. Earlier in the month we had talked about being careful so not to get pregnant during the summer because we both wanted a summer baby.

Matt stayed up late researching baby names while I fell asleep on the couch in the hotel room.
Pretty much all of my names got slashed for the running because they were not unique enough.
So, Matt found over a dozen names for each gender and I helped him narrow it down to 3 girls names and 3 boys names.
We agreed early on in the marriage that when we got pregnant, we were not going to find out the gender of the baby until it was born. Hence why we came up with so many names.
So far the favorites are, Axl Junior (AJ) for a boy, and Devyn Darlene for a girl.
But for now, we call it our lil monster.

Right now, Monster is anywhere between 6-8 weeks and doing a great job of making me nauseas all the time! Although, I've yet to experience full morning sickness (unless I take my iron pill too early in the morning - then it's just trouble) Monster is also causing me to have some dizzy spills that are concerning but I'm pretty sure it's my anemia. I'm also starving and tired all the time. And I cry at the drop of a hat - then the outburst of "Shut Up and talk to me later when you have a baby in your belly" to one of my male co-workers!  OH and did I mention the crying!!!
Matt wouldn't answer his phone and I was getting annoyed so I sent this text. It auto corrected wife to say ride.
We just laughed! It was fitting since we had such a good ride to get to where we are at now. And I wasn't so annoyed anymore.
The hormones have gotten the best of me. But I've done a decent job of shutting up the outbursts with snacks and have limited them to the one time with the co-worker.

 We debated for awhile about who to tell and when.
But I couldn't keep my trap shut. And I told all my friends and coworkers that I was going to take a test if I hadn't started by the weekend, so Tuesday morning when I got back to work, I was bombarded with, "Are you pregnant?"

But I told my sisters and brother first. Then I told my dad. My friends gradually found out as the week went on.
Friday afternoon, my bf Kaycee and I took a lunch break and went to my mom's school to give her a mothers day gift and share the news. I am giving her grandbaby #20 and made her a block system that she can change as more babies start to make their presence known!

Matt told his whole family this weekend while they were all in town for Adam's college graduation. Lyle, Matt's dad, jumped up in the air and hugged both Matt and I.

I expressed concerns with Matt about "What IF" we tell all these people and then I miscarry or something happens early that causes us to lose the baby and his comment was, "You and I have never been ashamed of our personal lives. We live a life of empathy with our friends and family instead of sympathy. If we have any trials through it phase in life, it's okay for us to be honest and open about our experiences. It is a growing time for us to accept kindness and love from our loved ones if we encounter such a trial."
(Have I mentioned recently how lucky I am to have Matt as MY husband)

My mother's day gift from Matt
But as of right now, we sure do love our 
lil monster!!!
Matt's hoping for a boy!
I'm just hoping for healthy baby and safe pregnancy!!!


FearlessNotFlawless said...

Congratulations Dessa! That is so exciting, you are going to be a wonderful mother!!! :)

Tasha said...

I am so excited for you and Matt!!!! Yay your gonna be a mama!!!

Jenn Krogue said...


Sorensen Family said...

Oh Dessa, Congrats! This is so exciting for you. There are both good and bad things about pregnancy, but when you feel them move or see them on ultrasound it makes it all worth it. Keep us posted with what goes on, Dr. appts and all!

Marcel & MaryBeth said...

Congratulations!! And yes, I think Mother's Day most definitely applies to you ;)

Kerri Pline said...

Congrats Dessa! My little monster is 3 weeks old today and he is such a blessing. Just wait till you feel the baby move every day....and the first time you see him/her! Ahhh its so amazing! Congrats again!!

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