My Little Baby Bug-a-Boo!

Today was the greatest day! I kind of wanted to sleep in but I was too excited to sleep so I ended up waking up early with Matt.
Zeplin and I headed downtown to pick up Matt and head to our lengthy 2 hour appointment, including our much anticipated ultrasound.

It was wonderful and our baby looked perfect. The heart and brain were all perfect and there were no complications that they could see. Our little bug was face down which made it super difficult to get some good pictures AND it was moving like crazy!! It would not hold still long enough to get a decent picture so most of the pictures made it look distorted.

They got a really cool picture of his/her mouth opening and closing and it's two little nostrils (it was a front shot) but unfortunately they didn't add it to our disc. It was my favorite shot though.

After seeing our baby, we felt such an ease and an excitement. I look back and wonder where the last 20 weeks went and nervous about how quick the next 18-20 weeks are going to fly by!

Our appointment with Doc Carlsen after the ultrasound was great too. He was happy with the measurements and listened to the heart beat for us. I don't have to go back in until the beginning of November. Time is flying by!

I think it helped Matt become a little more attached too. He's always been receptive to us having another baby (because he's been praying for us to have one just as much as myself) but I think because men aren't really in the process (until they see the baby, hear the heartbeat, or feeling the kicking), it's hard to really grasp the reality of having another baby.

We've come up with a few names. Mostly girl names since Matt really thinks we are having a girl. After seeing the ultrasound, I feel like it's a boy.

We celebrated this happy day with brownies and I even let Zeplin lick the paddle!!

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