Measuring 42 Weeks & Stressed

Within a week, this belly of mine has popped! And I have not gained any weight for the last 4 weeks! Crazy to think about how these babies grow so much in such a short amount of time.

I had my weekly appointment on Monday. Since my 36 week appointment went so perfectly with my blood pressure being 110/70 and my belly measuring perfectly, I honestly didn't think anything of this appointment. I just figured it would be a normal routine of checking baby's position & heartbeat, size of my tummy, blood pressure and giving me time to ask any questions.
But instead, it started off with my BP being WAY too high. So they made me lay on my left side for 15 minutes and rechecked it. Fortunately it went down but was still high. Then the doc came in and we listened to the heart beat and he checked the size of my belly. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Hum, that's interesting." Then asked, "This is your first baby, right??" He looked at his computer and returned to resize my belly for a 2nd time. I was oblivious to what was happening.

We finished the necessary tests (strepB) and he left so I could get dressed. When he came back, the comment that came out of his mouth caught me off guard...."You're measuring at 42 weeks pregnant which is almost 4 weeks more than what you really are and it's as if you've grown '5 weeks' in 5 days! BUT you've gained no weight!"
We talked about what I'm eating - I admitted that I eat ice all day long ... with small meals throughout the day. We came to the conclusion that baby is just taking everything I eat and my body is just taking the ice/water! He told me we needed to do another ultrasound because if this baby really is as big as a 42 week baby then we would need to get it out so it doesn't get any bigger, otherwise, I'll never be able to get it out on my own! hahaha.

I like that I haven't gained any weight but I don't like that I might have a linebacker in my tummy. But it's nice to know that if the ultrasound confirms that baby Z really is as big as Doc thinks he/she is then I'll have my lil cookie Monster next week!!!

Oh and I'm on partial work days. Doc thinks I might be too stressed out & that is causing my BP to be high... which he's right, I am stressed. . . Matt just started this new job on Monday, which means he has accrued NO time off - SO, I'm tough out of luck to have my husband stay home with me after having the baby. I know I'll have my mom, my sister, and many friends to support me but it's different - this is my husband, my best friend, the father of my baby and it hurts knowing that he will have to go back to work shortly after this life changing event.
I cried to my doctor about and explained that I understand mothers do it all the time....I'm just really stressed out about it.

Really looking forward to potentially having baby Z make an appearance into our lives and our hearts!

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