Zeplin Junior - {5y 6m}

𐄦Zeplin discovered he has a loose tooth and has been showing it off to everyone who will check it out. I thought he was going to be nervous about having to pull it out but he's beyond excited to get money for it. 
I'm excited to play tooth fairy!! Hopefully in the next week it will come out!

 𐄦 Zeplin is a hard sleeper!! I'm sure this will embarrass him in the future but he's still wetting the bed and it's so frustrating for me to keep washing his sheets. I started waking him up in the middle of the night to go pee but sometimes it still happens. Since summer, he's been sleeping in too. He slept until almost 11am one morning. I was so shocked! In 2 months, he'll be in school and those late mornings will be non existent. 

𐄦 Zeplin has decided he has a purpose in life to save as many worms as possible. He likes to go scootering through the neighborhood after a rainstorm and look for worms that are drying up on the sidewalks and put them in water or grass. One day, he found a skeleton of a crawdad and he was in awe. He refused to touch it but he wouldn't stop talking about it. 
Matt got him a bug collecting kit for Father's Day. He couldn't hardly wait to use it and has been non stop every since!

𐄦 Zeplin was diagnosed with a significant astigmatism in his right eye. He finally got his glasses and he's been rocking them. He is constantly getting complimented on how handsome he looks and he's commented that he can see clearer with them. Zeplin has even started drawing himself with glasses!! 
He did break them already and that annoyed the crap out of me. Thank heavens for a 2 year warranty!

𐄦Zeplin got a horrible flu bug during his last week of school. He was miserable and lethargic. Then we noticed he wasn't eating or drinking (which is so not normal) and started having diarrhea. This went on for 3 days. By the 4th day, I became really concerned and called the hospital. They advised that if he didn't pee within 8 hours then we needed to take him to the ER. Fortunately, he peed so we were enthusiastic that maybe he was making progress. But that night, I left to a volleyball game and Matt text me to tell me that Zeplin had thrown up all over the living room floor. I felt horrible that I was gone. Fortunately, after he threw up, he felt a million times better. He started eating and drinking a little more normal and by the next day, he was back to the goofy, wonderful little boy we love!

 𐄦 Zeplin is a creator - which is one of the many reasons why I'm so excited for him to go to a STEM academy. He's finally hit that age where he will sit in his room and create with legos or kinex. Arrowlyn tries to go into his room and he's quick to kick her out. 
Zeplin also LOVES to learn. I try to take him to the library as often as possible. One time we went to a presentation by the BLM and got to see a trained 23 yr old Swainson's Hawk and a one eyed great horned owl. He was happy to learn about the birds and even called my dad to tell him all about it. 

𐄦This is Zepin's final week of swim lessons and he's rocking it!! I'm so proud of his development. He's not afraid of the diving board or of going under water. He's adamant that he's an amazing swimmer and doesn't need to to keep taking classes. But I'll keep putting him in until I'm not so paranoid. 

𐄦 Zeplin loves taking pictures with his iPad. The poor machine is cracked and mangled so the pictures are blurry but I love his pictures and the things he captures!

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