Hysterectomy Recovery - Week 1

I'm a week post surgery and feeling surprisingly really, really well! 

Pre-Op, Surgery and Post-Op was super procedural. We laughed a lot during pre-op with our 'rule following' nurses and doctors over a number of different things, including that I had to sign off authorization to have my IUD removed. Haha! I was really at ease and calm leading up to surgery. Possibly because this was the first surgery I've had that wasn't an emergency yet or maybe because it's my 12th overall surgery in my life.  Or because so many of my dear friends prayed over me prior to admittance over the phone or in message. Either way, I felt very little anxiety going into it. Surgery was standard removal of my uterus and cervix since I no longer had my tubes from 2020 ectopic pregnancy but it took about an hour longer than necessary because I had substantial dense scar tissue from my c-sections & prior surgeries that needed attention. Dr. Carlson found some old endometriosis adhesions as well. Basically it was a mess down there. Post-op was also standard for me which included a lot of crying. I am extremely emotional after anesthesia and my nurse asked me about my children which apparently brought me to tears again. But I got up and going so we could be home by 7pm.  I had managed to stop crying until we got home and I saw my children and parents standing in the doorway. My parents were at the house with my children since 4pm and left just as soon as Matt got me settled into the recliner.  Pain was pretty persistent through the night and was made worse when I had to get up every hour to go pee from my IV fluids flushing out. 

Matt took extra good care of me though. I've been so blessed with his love and patience. He set alarms on his phone to wake up every few hours to give me pain meds. I have to fight away feelings of guilt that 'this' is his life but he embodies exactly what it means to love someone unconditionally. While he doesn't do it perfectly or all the time, he does well and more times than not. 

By Wednesday, day 2, I was getting in and out of bed with only mild discomfort. My personal goal was 2000 steps a day which could only be achieved by walking the upstairs walkway from my room to Arrowlyn's room. Jessica came over at 1pm and spent 4 hours visiting with me in my room. It was really special to have my sister come over and talk. We talked the entire time and I really didn't want her to leave.

By Friday, day 4 , I was making my way down the stairs with ease. I only went down with intention to keep walking around. Although, I tried to water my plants and realized that was a bad idea to bend over carrying a half gallon jug of water. I took myself back to my room and resumed my bedrest. 

The most beautiful part of this whole experience has been my children. The morning of my surgery, Zeplin said, verbatim "I'm not nervous about your surgery as much as I'm nervous about after. When you laugh, I laugh and when you cry, I cry and I just can't help it." It was so sincere and genuine. Starting Tuesday, Zeplin sat in the chair next to me and did his homework, read a book or just kept me company. Every morning he was in my room asking what he could bring me for breakfast. I've been so blessed by his compassion. 

I was about Arrowlyn's age when my mom had her complete hysterectomy. I still don't know exactly what forced her surgery but I do know it was very similar to my situation with the heavy cycle & pain. My grandmother was also battling ovarian cancer at the same time so I believe that's why she chose to have everything removed. Mom was in the hospital in Vernal, Utah for 2 weeks recovering. I remember riding my bike from our apartment to the hospital to visit her once. I assume because I don't remember much about it that time in my life that Arrowlyn will not remember this experience but she, too, has been very sweet and compassionate - in her own way.... She really wants my popsicles, gatorade and fruit. Haha.

I'm thankful to have the time off work too. Matt is going to be going back to the office very, very soon so I'm soaking up this time to have him home; even though his office is right next to the bedroom and I have to listen to his meetings on occasion. But I'm spending most of my days, laying in bed, watching all the seasons of The Walking Dead. I think I went into surgery having watched up to seasons 7-8 and finished season 11 by Sunday. I could have The Walking Dead playing in the background all day, every day. But I wasn't prepared for how season 11 ended and I spend the whole rest of the day bawling my eyes out.

I attend my 1 week post op appointment tomorrow afternoon to get my stitches out and see my doctor for updated instructions on healing. Besides getting physically tired quickly, I feel like I will be recovering much quicker than the 6-8 week expectation. 

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