Snow Daze

 Kids and Dogs make snow so much fun. Even more when you get the day off because of it. 

I woke up Wednesday morning to an alert that school was cancelled and my kids took immediate advantage. Max had the time of his life catching the snow mid air while Matt attempted to shovel the walk & drive. Olivia really struggled to let Max have all the fun. She cried and threw a temper tantrum at the front glass door, eventually running past me in the kitchen to the dog door. Yelling the whole way. (SIDE NOTE: Olivia is the most unique cat we have ever had in our family. She's mouthy and demanding but cuddly and sweet. Hands down the best personality ever!)

Unfortunately, I did have to work BUT fortunately, Matt was able to come with me so it was quick and I felt safe having him drive me up the mountain to the house. 

That afternoon we had a family snowball fight! The kids built a tunnel fort and mini sledding hill then spent the rest of the afternoon playing outside until it got dark. 

Snow days are fun. They were extremely disappointed they didn’t get another snow day the rest of the week. 

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