Max Kisses

 This is not normal Australian Cattle Dog behavior. Red/Blue heelers can be pretty temperamental and if you don’t give them a job to do, they can also be aggressive  

 Mr. Tedd was a blue heeler and golden retriever mix so he was a bit bipolar. He was fun and sweet like a GR but the ACD in him could get grumpy quick. (Ps. I thought about him the other day and burst into tears. I text Matt and told him what happened; he got mopey with me saying he thought about Mr Tedd that same morning on his way to work. I miss that puppy!)

Max on the other hand is pure bred ACD and 100% the most aggressive lover dog we have ever had! He is always hugging and kissing us. He’s obedient and plays great with other dogs. He is a master at 10+ different commands and tricks  But most importantly, he’s so amazing with the kids. 

Now that Matt is back in the office, and I work periodically throughout the day, he gets left home alone often. But as soon as the children get home, he is bursting at the seams to play with them. He jumps on the trampoline with them, pulls them on the scooters or just likes to sit on the couch and watch a movie with them. 

 He is a super special dog.

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