Pumpkin Picking - Linder Farm

 I had so much fun at Linder Farm last year with Kaycee that I wanted to take Matt this year. I really hoped the exotic animals from last year were going to be there but they were not. It was just like a regular little county fair.
As soon as we walked in, Matt said, "This reminds me of home when I was a little kid." It made me smile because I love when we can experience things together that remind us of happy moments of our childhood.
We grabbed a couple drinks and some mini doughnuts then walked around to see the cute little rides and fun things that children could do. We talked about how our little one will be about 9 months old when we will be able to take him/her to experience pumpkin picking -(like he/she will totally know what it means too).. lol.

We loved watching the children play. Our original plan was to try to take Sara's 3 oldest, Andrew-Audrey-Lauren, so she could stay home with Mike and baby Whitney but since they all had the flu 2 days earlier, we figured it was best that they stayed home until they were all feeling better.

10 minutes into it, we jumped on one of the hay rides & started our trek through the corn to the pumpkin patches. We didn't really have a plan of attack - we just knew we wanted a bunch of pumpkins!!

We wandered around the pumpkin patch in search of perfect pumpkins.
And about 30 minutes and $20.99 later, we were content with our pumpkin patch adventure.

Matt doesn't want to carve any pumpkins until he gets back next Sunday from his fishing trip to Salmon. And we'll probably just run to Fred Meyers and buy a couple pumpkins to carve and leave the one from Linder Farm as just decor for the outside.

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