Happy Birthday Baby Z (labor & delivery)

 There was something about Monday the 17th that I felt excited about 'something' but nervous about 'everything.'

I had a regular weekly appointment with Doc Colwell after work but this time I was going to have an ultrasound to see why I was measuring almost 5 weeks bigger than normal. 
Matt had to work, so my mom came with me. I made her promise not to peek at the gender.  Monster was taking up so much room in my tummy anyways that the ultrasound tech couldn't even tell the gender. But the ultrasound confirmed the due date was 1-1-13 but gave an estimated weight of 7lbs 14oz which was average for 37 weeks, so ultimately, there would be no induction due to Monster's size.. at least not based on the information from the ultrasound. 
But my appointment proved otherwise. . . . My consistent struggle with blood pressure finally capped out with this appointment when the first reading was high, as well as the 2nd and 3rd readings - even after laying down for 10-15 minutes. Urine test showed trace protein - not enough to conclude preeclampsia. I was experiencing extreme swelling, headache and vision changes during the weekend prior so I made mention of those symptoms. It was determined to go to the hospital and be monitored for the next couple hours.. Those next couple hours gave me a small glimpse of what the next 72 hours would bring.   
Doc Robinson was on call at the hospital that night. The nurses hooked me up and monitored my BP, and contractions for the next 4 hours while my mom and I waited patiently for Matt to get off work and meet us at the hospital. Every time I asked about my BP, the nurse told me that we were not going to talk about it. But the look on Matt's face and the steady shake of my mom's head was enough confirmation that my blood pressure was not going to go down anytime soon. 

I'm not sure of the time but that evening, Doc R came in with the determination that I was going to be admitted and they would be inducing me the next morning because of my blood pressure. So - I was going to be having this baby within the next 24 hours. 

That night was miserable. Matt and I both tried to sleep but I was uncomfortable. I kept offending the machines with my blood pressure so they screamed in our ears every 15 minutes after checking & confirming another high reading. 
But Tuesday morning, 8am, the fun started. I was hooked up to my IV and the 'Pit' began to make it's entrance into my bloodstream. And oh did it!! Everyone was right - the pit made my contractions harder, stronger and more painful so I finally asked for an epidural about 5 hours later at 1pm. Shortly after that, Doc Colwell checked my dilation. I was just far enough along to have my water broken.
At 3pm, Matt and my mom both watched as the embarrassing gush of water flooded my bed. We all laughed.
Then the worst happened - my epidural wore off. I was devastated and in so much pain!! I begged for more pain meds. My anesthesiologist came in with a 'bullet,' which is a strong shot injected straight into my IV. It worked immediately while my epidural drip continued. I was forced to fall asleep to only be violently awoken with the urge to throw up!! Matt & my mom ran to my aide as I threw up almost a full bag worth of liquid.
I was starving since I hadn't eaten in almost 30 hours. At that point, my epidural still didn't work and the bullet wore off.
I sobbed & sobbed while trying to breathe through each python tightening grip around my tummy & lower back! My contractions were one right after the other, lasting what felt like forever. I was given another bullet which allowed me to sleep for another hour only to wake up puking again!
My nurse checked me, I was at a 6.
I struggled through my contractions. I was comforted only by my mom, reminding me to breathe while rubbing my arms and Matt kissing my hands, & face, whispering that I was doing a wonderful job. My sister, Sara, came and lovingly rubbed my arms to keep me calm. At one point she noticed she was gripping my hand harder than I was holding hers.
Hours passed - I felt no other comfort until Doc Colwell came into my room to speak candidly with me about my progress.
It was 11pm and I never progressed past 6cm. I remained a 6 for the last 6 hours even. He talked with Matt and I about a c-section and he felt that it was best to have one. I told him that I trusted his judgement and I am open to this procedure. The look in my mom and sister's eyes showed otherwise and I felt scared after I agreed to the surgery.

The medical staff hopped all over the room; preparing myself, Matt and themselves to deliver my baby. My epidural was removed and my lower abdomen was prepped by the nurse. I waved goodbye to my mom and sister as the nurses maneuvered my bed out of my delivery room and into the operating room.

The room was cold. I was almost completely naked while the mass amounts of people surrounding me were dressed in head to toe blue gowns. All of them with bright eyes and a bounce in their step - Surprising to me because it was already 11:30pm!
Doc Colwell was amazing. I felt such gratitude for him when they were inserting the spinal block. I rested my head on his chest while he held onto my shoulders - everything was as similar as when I received my epidural. Doc was especially comforting with his words of encouragement and his step by step play of everything that was going to happen in just a matter of moments.

Within minutes, I was completely numb from the boobs down. Worst part - I had to throw up but because the spinal removed all ability to force the vomit out of my stomach, I laid on the operating bed with my anesthesiologist resting his hand on my head with a bowl pressed against my cheek as everything just fell out of my mouth without an force. I was miserable and for the first time - scared!

Then everything just started happening! I could feel tugging and pulling... Matt was being brought into the room... He had a huge smile on his face ... And then - I passed out!!
I felt myself slip in & out of sleep as I listened to my surroundings. My eyes stayed closed & I made a special effort to pay attention to Matt's voice.
After what seems like just seconds, I hear the excited voice of my doctor, "WOW! Look at that head!! It's huge!"
I tried to open my eyes.
Matt was standing up, looking over the drape, with a huge smile on his face. My anesthesiologist put his hand on my shoulder and said "Okay, it's almost time. You're going to feel lots of pressure."
I closed my eyes and braced myself. Only to hear my doctor exclaim  again, "HE'S HUGE!!" I opened my eyes to the most perfect sight of my husband, wide eyed and grinning from ear to ear saying, "It's a boy!! It's a boy!! We were right!! He's so chubby!! Just like you wanted!!" Then I heard baby Z cry out. It didn't last long but just enough that it made me cry so I closed my eyes again and waited patiently for the next few minutes to pass by before my opportunity to see him!

It wasn't much longer that my turn came. Doctor Brown, the pediatrician on call, brought him over to me so I could touch and kiss my new son for a moment before they took him to the nursery. Matt leaned over and kissed me goodbye before walking away with Doc Brown & our baby boy!

For the next 30 minutes, I remember very little because I passed out again.
The most vivid of my memory during that time was hearing Doc Colwell break the silence and say, "Will someone please call the nursery and see how big that baby was!!!" Everyone in the room started placing bets. Doc Colwell guessed 9lbs 9oz.
I could hear someone on the phone say, "Are you serious!?" to the person on the other end and then announce, "Are you all ready for this!? 10lbs 4 oz!!" The whole room went into an uproar of excitement and disbelief that I could be 3 weeks early and have a baby that large. Doc Colwell commented that there was no way that I would have been able to get that baby out vaginally and he was glad he made the call to do the c-section. He also talked about my ultrasound the morning before and couldn't believe that it would be off by 3lbs!

Once I was finally stitched up and moved to my recovery bed for the next 3 days, I was wheeled out to the nursery to see my little Monster.
I think everyone that night was overwhelmed and filled with joy. My mom and sister were bouncing off the walls with excitement when they finally saw me. I was comforted seeing them too!

Next thing I know, I'm in my recovery room, surrounded by a few nurses asking me questions and giving me instructions for the next few hours. Then Matt came in and everything was 'well' again. He hugged and kissed me so lovingly and talked about how sweet our son is!

And then they brought him in!! It was love at first sight! I fell madly, deeply and desperately in love with this beautiful baby boy! And who wouldn't - He has the most perfect face, lips, nose, 10 fingers and 10 toes! He has the chubbiest little cheeks and rolly thighs and butt! Matt made sure to make a point of that because I always talked about wanting a chubby baby!
The nurse tired to help me breast feed but little Z and I didn't quite get the hang of it. I figured it would just take practice and corporation from the 2 of us.  Matt just sat across from me in the chairs, his eyes dozing but his smile never fading from across his face! He was in love.

Z stayed in the nursery that night while Matt and I slept. Finally around 8am, I was awake, my numb legs were starting to get feeling and I desperately wanted to hold my baby.
The breast feeding nurse came in to help me with Z. We tried different ways to hold him. But because of my c-section & the pain, the only way I was able to feed him was in a football hold. And once he got the hang of what he was supposed to do, he became the best eater!!! He is a little fussy at first but does great! :)

I made goals with Matt & my nurse to be up and walking by that afternoon. I wanted my IV and my catheter out asap but I had to meet certain requirements before they could remove my additions.

Throughout Wednesday, Matt, Z, & I just snuggled and loved on each other quietly. Z slept most of the day which allowed Matt and I to take small naps too.
I was taken off my pain meds through IV and given Norco in addition to Ibuprofen every few hours in pill form.
The family and friends started to trickle in Wednesday night. I was semi-mobile at this point and used the opportunity of everyone holding Z to get up and walk around the room or at least stand up to keep from getting any clots in my legs. From everything I have ever been taught, you will always heal quicker if you are getting the blood circulating.
Z melted into everyones arms. He is such a good baby and loves to be cuddled. It wasn't a surprise to see him steal everyone's hearts like he had already stolen mine & Matt's.

Thursday morning, Doc Palmer came in before the next shift started. He checked on my tummy to make sure my uterus was contracted (oww that hurts) and then talked to me about my goals for going home. I told him I wanted to go home that day. He kind of raised his eyebrows because I had only been in recovery for about 30 hours. Most c-section mothers are advised to stay 48-72 hours. But he was aware of progress and said I could probably be released that afternoon. 

So, I set my mind & determination to leave by 4pm. Besides, it was Matt's 30th birthday and I really wanted us to go home and spend it together with our new baby. I loved the thought of filling our home with new life and more love - that was my motivation to going home!

By 4pm, I was discharged and we were headed HOME, together, officially - A family of three!

We are so in love with our baby. And I didn't think it was possible to be any more in love with Matt. He is the perfect husband and father. I could not have gone through all those hours of labor and recovery from surgery without him being my constant support and encouragement!

Happy Birthday baby Z! You are our perfect Christmas present!!

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