Linder Farms - 3rd Year

We loved Linder Farms in years past (2011) (2012) but I think it might almost be time to find a new favorite pumpkin patch because this year was insanely crowded! It's really cool that they are growing as big as they are but I miss the small town country feel of it all.

Zeplin had pretty low energy while we were there. He hadn't taken a nap so I know he was just really tired but his inquisitive nature kicked in pretty quickly when we went into the petting gate. His favorite was a brown goat which he was able to pet and hold on it's ear. He wasn't super sure about all the other animals.
I had $5 and made a hasty decision to let him get on a pony for the pony ride.... I know, he's young but he actually had a lot of fun! He pet the pony and bounced up and down while riding it. After about 4 turns, he decided it was time to get off. I might have had more fun with Zeplin's first pony ride than he did.

 Last but not least - the Hay Ride & Pumpkin Patch
I had all these cute photo ideas for Zeplin and his first experience in the pumpkin patch but he was so tired that I couldn't even get him to look up at me.
Anyways, he was adorable as we rode around on the tractor, looking at pumpkins and even more so when we let him down.

 He even got his first pumpkin. Just his size!!

 All in all, it was a fun time. I'll know better next year that I should probably make sure my child takes a nap before we go out, so he'll be a little more receptive. Or maybe he's just like his daddy and could care less about farm animals and pumpkins..... Either way, I had a good time with my family but I'll start doing more research for some place a little less crowded next year.

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